Dynamic Web Panels

Web panels are used to show third-party content hosted in a web page. Web panels are able to "host" other content side by side with the analytics in the Story Board providing a convenient method for showing non-analytic content.

The basic web panel allows story board designers to simply embed a web page into the dashboard slide by providing a URL. This URL will be loaded when the dashboard is launched into runtime. To make the URL responsive to changes made by the user the web panel needs to be "wired up" with interactions, in order to make the panel dynamic. This is done by configuring an action PQL function.

How to Configure Basic Web Panels

  • Click the web icon to add the web page illustration to the canvas. Right click on the panel and select Dynamic URL
  • Enter the required URL, along with the relevant formula
  • Click Validate to test the URL, and Click Apply to save the Dynamic URL
  • Double inverted comas " " must be added before and after the URL

Add the web panel to the canvas, right click on the panel, and select Dynamic URL:

Enter the required URL (within double inverted commas " "), validate the URL, and click Apply:

The URL will be loaded and the webpage embedded in the presentation when the dashboard is launched into runtime:

How to Configure Dynamic Web Panels

Configure dynamic web panels, which will be responsive to changes made by the user in runtime, by writing an action PQL expression.

  • Follow the steps listed above to add the web page illustration and open the Dynamic URL panel
  • The URL component must be contained within doubled inverted commas ""
  • A plus sign + must be added between the URL and the function
  • After the function has been validated and applied, you must add an interaction from the relevant visualization or slicer to the URL panel
  • If the relationship is from a visual to the panel, when the presentation is viewed in runtime, you must right click on the relevant cells in the visual and click Interact in order to inject the formula into the dynamic URL panel
  • If the relationship is from a slicer to the panel, the dynamic URL panel will change dynamically according to the slicer
  • To review the available action PQL functions, click here